Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why a personal astrological reading now?

Astrology has been used successfully throughout the ages to provide perspective, clarity and support to individuals navigating through difficult times. First-hand, in-depth knowledge of your personal astrological birth chart can give you a tremendous advantage in dealing with the challenges affecting you, your family and society at large by identifying the general energies interactive at the time and how they apply to your life specifically.  Further, it can provide you with detailed, time-sensitive information as to how and when to move through issues and transition periods in harmony with the overarching planetary patterns (in astrological terms, your 'transits').

Each of us is born with innate capabilities, gifts and talents and an opportunity to make a unique contribution to the world. Your astrological blueprint can provide you with a remarkable reference point as to when, where and how to employ your native strengths and abilities most effectively while making best use of the prevailing celestial influences, both personally and professionally.
In view of the unprecedented global and personal changes taking place upon our planet, there has never been a more compelling time to gain intimate knowledge of your unique astrological blueprint; to underscore your personal strengths, talents and powers; and to consciously co-create your optimal future on this Earth!